Engaging, Well Written Content

2 days to complete
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Offering Details I specialize in engaging content that is casual and well written. I can write for all kinds of industries, but I'm most knowledgeable about college life, food and drink (particularly wine), health and wellness, credit card debt, psychology, history, and home improvement. My natural inclination is to put some humor in my articles, but I can also write in a serious, formal tone if need be.
Credentials I've been a writer since I graduated college back in a year I will redact to pretend I'm younger than I actually am. I have a BA in English Literature with a minor in American History. My past work experience has allowed me to amass a variety of skills including technical writing, copy writing, and writing for newsletters, websites, magazines, and press releases.
Required from You The Writer requires the following details from you to complete this order. The more details you give me about your company or service, the better the article will be. I will also need to know your desired word count, your expected delivery date, and - if applicable - whether you want it written in second or third person (I can also do first person but this is rarely requested).
Extras The following optional add-ons are offered by the Writer for an additional cost. Some Extras may alter delivery timelines. Additional time requirements are listed beneath Extra price.